
At this moment I had to close the waiting list.

You can email me, to make a first appointment. Because I tend to have long appointments, this is the easiest way to reach out. Of course you can also call me. If I cannot pick up the phone, please leave in any cae a message on the answering machine and I will call you back as soon as possible. As there are a lot of spam calls coming in at the moment, I cannot call you back with out a message on the answering maschine. I am looking forward to meet you and help you out.

You need to bring a referral lettre from your family doctor (huisarts) for SGGZ to the first appointment.

My working hours are: mondag (9 am – 5 pm), tuesday (9:30am – 4:30 pm) and friday (9:30 am – 2 pm).

My phone number is: +31 (0)6 82 175 160

A video consult is possible, if necessary.

vaccation: august 5 2024 until including august 23 2024